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  • Bruce Springsteen Performs “Ghosts” & “I'll See You In My Dreams” on Saturday Night Live

  • American singer-songwriter Bruce Springsteen appeared on Saturday Night Live to perform “Ghosts” and “I'll See You In My Dreams”.

    It is his first performance on SNL since 2015.
    This time, the E Street Band's founding bassist Garry Tallent and violinist Soozie Tyrell had to skip the SNL due to the pandemic and Covid-19 precautions.
    Both songs are included his twentieth studio album “Letter to You”, which was released back in October.
    “Ghosts” dedicated, along with the fifth track “Last Man Standing”, to George Theiss, founding member of The Castiles (Bruce Springsteen's first professional band) who died in 2018.
    Bruce Springsteen told Apple Music, “That particular song was directly due to George’s passing and me finding out that out of that group of people, I’m kind of here on my own, honouring the guys that I learned my craft with between the ages of 14 and 17 or 18. Those were some of the deepest learning years of my life—learning how to be onstage, learning how to write, learning how to front the band, learning how to put together a show, learning how to play for all different kinds of audiences at fireman’s fairs, at union halls, at CYO [Catholic Youth Organization] dances, and just really honing your craft.”
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    “I'll See You In My Dreams” is the last track of the album. He said of the song, “I remember a lot of my dreams and I always have. But that song was basically about those that pass away don't ever really leave us. They visit me in my dreams several times a year. Clarence will come up a couple times in a year. Or I'll see Danny. They just show up in very absurd, sometimes in abstract ways in the middle of strange stories. But they're there, and it's actually a lovely thing to revisit with them in that way. The pain slips away, the love remains, and they live in that love and walk alongside you and your ancestors and your life companions as a part of your spirit. So the song is basically about that: 'Hey. I'm not going to see you at the next session, but I'll see you in my dreams.'”

  • source : NBC
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