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  • Kara Marni Performs “Love Just Ain't Enough” on Vevo DSCVR

  • London-based singer-songwriter Kara Marni appeared on Vevo DSCVR, where she performed “Love Just Ain't Enough”.

    The song is included on her debut EP of the same title. It was written by Kara Marni, MNEK, Jon Shave, Jason Pebworth, George Astasio and Sebastian Kole.
    The debut EP was released on May 10th and comprises of 7-track.
    Kara Marni is known as vocals of supporting for Rita Ora's tour alongside RAYE.

    The 20-year-old singer told Clash about the EP;
    "I’ve called my debut EP Love Just Ain’t Enough because I don’t think love on its own is always enough to sustain a relationship with someone.
    I think you need really need to have things in common, compatibility and at times a selflessness and that’s what actually what makes ‘love’ work!
    This EP is the culmination of years of hard work and really honing my skills as a writer and artist so I’m so excited to share it with everyone! My little babies are ready to be be released to the rest of the world!"
  • She explained the EP;
    "'Golden' is a time when I was in a happy and sparkly state of mind. You know that feeling where you feel washed over with love..."
    "'Curve' is about not quite knowing where you are in a relationship; but enjoying the chase…"
    "Love Just Ain’t Enough":
    "I wrote this song after being with someone and realising as much as I love this person, it’s not enough to see us through. I wrote it because if you don’t have trust and compromise, love isn’t alway enough alone to keep the relationship going."
    "All Or Nothing":
    "'All or Nothing' is about a time in my life where I met someone that I had a huge attraction to but knew that he didn’t want a relationship and that wasn’t really for me."
    "This is a song I wrote about guys who make zero effort and expect results from it."
    "L Word";
    "I wrote this because I feel sometimes people say I love you to manipulate a situation to their advantage… we’re far too free with the ‘L’ word."
    "'Selfish' is about when I met someone who I actually thought, 'do you know you what? For you I am willing to go that extra mile...' I wanted it to be be stripped back production wise because I wanted the lyric to really stand out."
  • source : CLASH
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