- 2025-03-18
Oslo Twins Releases New EP “Tresor”
London-based dream-pop band Oslo Twins, consisting of Eric C. Davies and Claudia Vulliamy, released their new EP “Tresor” via Half-Normal Records.
It is their first project in two years since the 2023 EP “Back To Nothing”.
The EP comprises 5 songs, which the band recorded in their East London studio. All songs were written by Claudia Vulliamy and Eric C. Davies. Produced by Eric C. Davies.
On the EP, the band highlighting new sonic depth and puts electronic drums and clean synths to the forefront.
The band lead singer Claudia Vulliamy said of the EP, “I think there's a running theme of subconscious places in this EP. I was inspired by things seen and felt in dreams and daydreams, images that come to mind for a moment and are just out of reach.”
She added, “Tresor is some of my favourite work we've ever done and I'm thrilled to finally shared it with everyone. Produced with Eric C. Davies in his studio, I've never felt to be so directly putting my mind and imagination into sound. Give it a listen.”- The band explained track-by-track for the EP.
“We wrote the song in a jam, so pretty much all of the lyrics were improvised. I was imagining surreal and funny party scenes, and then the sounds that Eric and Ed were creating made me think of a night out I had in Berlin when I was 19, when my friends and I got caught in a lightning storm on the way to the nightclub Tresor. There were massive bolts against the sky every few minutes and it somehow set an exciting, electric tone for the whole night.” -
“It wasn't easy fitting the words 'Mrs Dalloway' into the rhythm of a pop song....Sometimes when you're drinking with people you've known for years, you get struck by an overwhelming awareness of the passage of time. Parties can feel like this, which is why I connected the lyrics to Mrs Dalloway, the titular character in Virginia Woolf's novel. The central character organises a party full of people from her past and becomes wistful. Sally is the name of a character in the novel, an old friend - or old flame - of the protagonist, who reflects on when they were teenage girls with big ambitions.”
“I See Mountains”
“I wanted to create an image of the sublime, a kind of journey upwards into the sky. The phrase 'I see mountains' was originally my attempt to describe a strong emotional response to certain music, the images that were coming up in my head.”
“I Wake Up Slowly”
"In a sense it's about beginning to move after being stuck inside your head, going from something statuesque to something dynamic. That's why the upbeat rhythm and pace of it, the syncopation and the repetition, felt essential. But it's also about literally waking up and trying to remember something that felt significant to your sleeping self. For me, the deepest sleep produces dreams that feel deep purple, a colour that matches the sound of a deep, rumbling bass and sometimes feels like a bruise upon waking.”
“Be Free”
“There's also inspiration drawn from a strangely romantic fantasy of having to drive off somewhere after committing a crime, leaving everything behind. To get a sense of this narrative I wanted a quiet sense of drama in the sound, with a slightly funereal tone that I think we managed to get with the timpani and synths.”
Photo by Freya Davies - source : Apple Music