- 2025-03-05
Alexia Evellyn Releases Debut EP “Dark Side”
Brazilian singer-songwriter Alexia Evellyn released her debut EP “Dark Side” on February 14, 2025 via MADE Records AS.
The EP comprises 6 songs, produced by Alexia Evellyn, Couros Sheibani, Christer-Andre Cederberg, Dillistone, Bastian Langebæk, and Max Cooke.
On the EP, she co-writer with Michelle Leonard, who is known as Norwegian singer-songwriter AURORA's songwriter, Grammy nominated producer Charlie McClean, and Charlie McClean who is known as British singer-songwriter Rachel Chinouriri's songwriter.
All songs were co-written by Alexia Evellyn, with Michelle Leonard, Charlie McClean, Morten Aamodt, Hannah Yadi, Roy KerrTim Bran, Estevão Queiroga, and Estevão Queiroga.
Alexia Evellyn said of the EP, “All of these songs have deep meaning for me. They came from my body, memories, from deep darkness, from the dirt, places I never had the strength to touch again or show to anyone. And yet I made songs about it. And I have shared my deep wounds with you. I relived everything I wrote and had my soul broken into pieces. You held my tears and my heart. Music is an initiation for me. As a woman, as a human. This EP is not just mine, but a spell of everything I was, I am, and will be. It belongs to the family I carry in my blood and also my soul family. It belongs to all the friends I never had, to those I haven’t met yet, and to you who are here, each and every one of you.”- She continued, “I studied music at an NGO, I never had private lessons until college, where I won a scholarship. Back in college, I sold bracelets to pay for the bus, even though I had been teaching cello since I was 14, where I once earned 10 reais an hour. I was made fun of by many people in the industry, and that was when I wasn’t harassed by men who said they would give me an opportunity or a job and when I didn’t accept it they would fire me from work. I’ve thought about giving up music several times, because not coming from a family with money and having to study in a social project, having to pay for the bus and food to study, I really thought many times that I was going crazy trying to make music here. I was very close to give up on art. And I thought about giving up on life many times because of traumas that I’ve already told you about here in a more secret way, but that I hope to gather the courage to tell you clearly soon.”
She added, “This EP it’s a proof that little Alexia was right all along... I just didn’t trust her yet. Everyday, because of you who read me, I realize in all realities the strength of that little girl who loved to eat strawberry with chocolate and to sing with her father. Thank you, little Alexia, and all my versions for never giving up on dreaming.” -
Alexia Evellyn explained track-by-track for the EP.
“Savage Daughters”
“This song is one of the most personal ones for me, taking so much of my fears, my tears, my fury and hope for the days to come. 'S a v a g e Daughters' takes the gold, tears, love and fury of many women. For the child in me. For all the stories I’ve heard of wild women across this Earth, for all my sisters I haven’t met yet. This is for you. Every minute, 14 women are physically att@cked in Brazil; these are just the recorded numbers.
I wrote ‘S a v a g e Daughters’ with the amazing Michelle Leonard and Charlie McClean. We sat down and got in touch with our past and how it feels to be a woman. A day that I’ll never forget. My inspirations have roots in the stories I have heard in recent years from women from Brazil and countries like Iran, Turkey, Mexico and Egypt, different cultures and realities that have changed my life with their strength, heart and art. There is a red thread that guide us to the wild inside, but that also connects all of us like one. Although this song has only the title as a similarity, 'S a v a g e Daughters' was also inspired by Wyndrett’s Berginsdottir music, and also by Clarissa Pínkola Éstes, my favorite writer.”
“Hold On”
“This song came to me as very strong dream, a prophecy where I saw and touched everything I sing in these lyrics with my own hands. I woke up from this sleep, as if in a daydream, without knowing what was reality and what was this other world. This dream also came as a reminder. A vivid reminder that I needed to believe again, at a time when I was about to give up on everything. These words have been echoing in me for a long time... They are like the red threads guiding me through an infinite labyrinth that leads me back to what I lost in the desert.
This song it’s about a revolution. And you can call it as you want. For me it has many names : ‘Woman Life Freedom’, Nature wild and guide, a world of justice for everything that lives and so many other struggles that pulse in me. Yes, these words are from a place of resistance and hope, but they only exist today because I embraced the pain. It’s suffocating to realize that this hurt is the hurt of so many of us. That this wound still pulses within our bodies, our voices, our being. That this world is still not safe for us to exist. I have received so many courageous messages from you that make me cry because of the feelings they bring me. Being able to read other women and beings in their tears, love, fury and pain, in their memories, struggles and dreams is what moves me to continue.”
“I hope this song can rock your dreams, your body and your emotions. May it bring you back home. I love Earth so much that I wrote a song for her. This video was recorded in Brazil, this beautiful and immense place, that I still don’t know even 10% of it even though I’m always walking through this land.
Releasing this song so far from home, after so many news about fires and so many atrocities that continue to happen in my country is something that fills me with so many feelings. I’ve always believed that the only thing that makes us care about something is wonder. We only fight for what we love.
I hope this song can touch those who haven’t been touched by Her beauty. And that maybe... one day, we can be fighting together for justice for everything that lives. I know it’s possible, because that’s how she did it with me.”
“Dark Side”
“This song it’s about connecting with a part of ourselves that couldn’t come outside before. It talks about when we love a person who just wants to show what is cute and beautiful about them. How sometimes we feel so afraid to truly give ourselves to someone, out of shame and fear of delving into our past and all the pain, hiding who we really are. It’s an invitation to dance with everything we’re made of, light and shadow, what is beautiful and what is not inside of us.
It’s about a desire to see everything, to lick the wounds, with our sensuality, our veins, our dance. Love only exists when we have the courage to dance on the dark side of the moon. That’s where we truly become ourselves with all our authenticity, strangeness and savage being.”
“As a child I’ve always heard phrases like 'oh you’re too sensitive'. Hearing this always made me withdraw into my world for a while. I pored over my favorite books and looked for myself in them. There alone, I knew I could feel as much as I wanted.
There alone she was free to dive into the sea instead of just putting her feet in the sand. I cary strong memories from a very young age of admiring the moon and stars, of crying at the beauty of the sky.
In the midst of all this, music, always there, touches me like an anchor to the ground and strengthens me to my dock.
These days have taught me a lot. I still hear how overly sensitive I am. But today I know that this is my weakness and my greatest power. Present and also challenge. Some days it brings me enormous love and other days it brings me tears. Yesterday was the second. Today heals. Tomorrow fascinates me.”
“I wrote this song for when you finally find that person that makes you stop hiding. Hiding your pain, your weird manners, your craziest things, your authenticity. For when you are finally in front of a person with whom you can laugh but also cry. Dive into the pain that no one has ever heard or knows. A person who makes you feel safe and with whom you can lick your scars.
I can’t believe she’s going to come out on Valentine’s Day, one of the many ways we can love someone... Because this love can be your family, it can be a friend, a place...
I celebrate the pain that lives inside you and every shadow and crack from which your light comes.
And in this video, I celebrate my love, my best friend, for whom I wrote this song and who came to hug me by surprise when he saw me crying Andherson Barcellos Lima. How different it is to sing this song looking at you. I love you. In all times, paradoxes, and possible dimensions. Music composed with Glen Roberts, my friend, our prince of Wales, you are the best that ever had.” - source : Apple Music