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  • JESSIA Releases New EP “Okay With Every Part”

  • Vancouver-based pop singer-songwriter JESSIA released her sophomore EP “Okay With Every Part” on July 19, 2024.

    This marks her first body of work in three years since the 2021 debut EP “How Are You?”.
    The EP is the first release as an independent artist for her.

    JESSIA said, “I am so fucking proud to say I am an independent artist and I wouldn't have it any other way. I would not be This happy or have written these songs had I not gone through all of it.”

    The EP comprises a 6-track, produced by Jason Parris and Elijah Woods.

    She said of the EP, “Finding the beauty in change is one of the hardest things we go through but once we get to the other side, it brings us such power and growth. Losing a label and a relationship within the span of 3 months shook me. I felt shame, rejection, anger, frustration, but also freedom, adventure, passion, and resilience. As much as I didn't want to, I had to learn to accept and move through these new obstacles. Each song on this project represents a pivotal moment in my journey to finding peace and confidence again. This EP represents me accepting the good and bad parts of life so that I can look back and say, I'm okay with every part.”
  • JESSIA explained track-by-track for the EP.

    “Different People”
    “It's about the no-contact stage of a breakup and all the intrusive thoughts that go along with it. This song is for everyone resisting the urge to pick up the phone and text their ex. Instead of calling him, put this song on at full volume and go for a midnight drive.”

    “Friends With My Friends” via Stage Right Secrets
    “'Friends With My Friends' is about dealing with an ex who is still a part of your friend group. When I break up with someone, I typically never want to see or hear from them again, but in this particular case, I couldn't do that. I couldn't just escape them. Every time I see them it would bring up all sorts of emotions, but I haven't had the heart to tell them… I hope they hear this song and get the hint.”

  • “He's A 10” via Stage Right Secrets
    “He's A 10” was written for my friend who has trash taste in men. She always goes for these hot guys that treat her horribly. Ladies, please listen to this song! We deserve so much better than this!”

    “Care About Me”
    “I knew it was a special song as soon as I wrote it, but I didn't know if anyone would relate. I was terrified to tease it, but as soon as I did, my video comments were flooded with people sharing their stories of feeling unseen or alone in relationships, and other commenters empowering the brokenhearted. I am proud to say it has become another 'safe space' anthem for my community.”

    “Happy Without You”
    “'Happy Without You' is the light at the end of the tunnel. It's the hope and belief that things will get better, because they have to. I love to blast this song in my car whenever I need a mood booster.”

    “The Woman You Are”
    “I've been wanting to write a song that celebrates mothers for a while now. I love seeing strong and powerful women raising strong and powerful women. I grew up seeing my mom as a superhero, and dreamed of living a life half as adventurous and exciting as hers. There comes a time in everyone's life when they realize their parents are just people too who seek validation and love, just like us kids. 'The Woman You Are' is my way of saying thank you to my mom for the years of encouragement and selflessness she has given me. I hope this song sparks more recognition for all the bad ass moms in this world because we wouldn't be who we are without them.”

    Photo by Chase Hanssen
  • source : Apple Music
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