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  • Charlie Pittman Releases Debut EP “nothing is forever”

  • Australian singer-songwriter Charlie Pittman released his debut EP “nothing is forever” along with a new music video for “dog, black” on June 20, 2024.

    The EP comprises a 5-track, in which Charlie Pittman recorded the EP with producer Jack Wilson in Brighton.
    The EP features themes that encompass all the human experiences: love, loss, growing up, and dealing with the transition of not quite being an adult but no longer being a kid.
    The accompanying music video was directed by Zoë Dubuc.

    Charlie Pittman said of the EP in a statement, “I'd written a lot of songs but when I went to choose the songs for the EP, I decided on five that told the story I wanted to tell - which was pretty much just about navigating my way from childhood to adulthood; that point where you go, 'Oh, I'm an adult now, I need to actually be one.' Going through relationships, friendships, death, loss… all the things everyone experiences as they move through adolescence.”
  • He told AUSTRALIAN MUSIC SCENE about the EP, “I recorded the EP in a beautiful little beach house in a sea-side town near Brighton just myself and the producer Jack Wilson. We spent about 6 days recording and then a lot of back and forth remotely but it was an amazing experience. Jack is a machine and for some songs I'd do upwards of 100 vocal takes but he has an incredible ear for what sounds right or interesting and comping from there.”

  • Charlie Pittman explained about some tracks for the EP.

    “​i don't wanna be here”
    “I wanted to capture the feeling of being stuck in a rut, especially when it comes to friendships in your 20s. It's like you're constantly connected through technology, but still feeling disconnected from those around you.”

    “​house in the suburbs”
    “​'house in the suburbs' probably best solidifies the sound of this EP. If someone was to ask me what a charlie pittman song sounded like, I'd probably show them this. it's a song for people who over-romanticise their life (guilty) and it's definitely a self-aware moment. It can be really difficult navigating romantic relationships from your teenage years, moving into your twenties and you're going to mess up. a lot. But i think that every relationship-good or bad - helps you grow as a person.
    This was the first song I wrote with Itamar Lapidot. We chatted for an hour about love and then he played the opening guitar riff and the song flowed pretty quickly from there. As he worked on the demo, the line 'a nice house in the suburbs not far from your mum's' subconsciously fell out my mouth and that image felt central to the song. I'm so grateful for Itamar, he's one of the most hard-working, talented musicians in the world and maybe you'll hear another song we wrote together in the future..”

    “​​paris syndrome”
    “​​A transient psychological disorder exhibited by some individuals when visiting or vacationing to Paris, as a result of extreme shock resulting from their finding out that Paris is not what they had expected it to be.”

    “dog, black”
    “In 2020 my Dad was diagnosed with terminal ilness. My mental health suffered watching him get sick but this is a song about overcoming that and accepting I was going to him. He passed away last year.
    It was the last song I wrote for the EP on my first day in LA. I wrote the song with Noah Taylor and I'll forever be grateful to him for collaborating on what is my most personal song I've ever released. I had tried to write the song a few weeks before but something hadn't quite clicked and so I brought a bunch of lyrics and words into the session and the song really just fell together so easily. writing about such heavy subjects like depression, death and cancer is really terrifying and this really is me spilling my heart to the world.
    I had never really struggled with my mental health before my dad was diagnosed and although the song is about coming to terms with the fact that people die, I think theres also some comfort to be found. It's about overcoming depression, allowing yourself to feel things fully and learning how to be human.
    My dad was still alive when I wrote this song but none of this EP was released. He was always my biggest champion and so this is for him.”
  • source : Apple Music
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