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  • Paige Bea Announces New EP “Flutters”, Shares New Song “Worth It”

  • London-based singer-songwriter Paige Bea has announced her new EP “Flutters” will be released on July 31, 2024.

    It is her first project in two years since the 2022 EP “Goodbye, Then!”.
    Paige Bea crafted the EP with producer Gabriel Gifford in Berlin, with its the sonic landscape inspired as much by the city's electronic scene.
    From the EP, she released the second single called “Worth It” on June 19, 2024.
    On the track, asking outright rhetorical questions that ask for frankness in where this new romance is heading, paired with bold, honest statements about her own intentions.
    It was written by Gabriel Gifford and Paige Reynolds.

    Paige Bea said of the song, “The lyrics for Worth It came shortly after a date I'd just been on. I was already just so anxious about when I was going to get the text back and how much longer we were going to have to do this silly dance before we just gave in to falling in love and seeing what happens. It felt like we were both coming into the start of it with a lot of trepidation given past relationships we'd been in, and we were trying to be adults by taking it slow, but it also felt like that was sucking the fun, spontaneous joy of starting something new out of it?”
  • She continued, “I was also thinking about expectations of women in relationships, the peacemaker, the homemaker, the PA, the mother (I'm not here to convince and coerce / Make things nice then give birth / I'm a difficult person) and I wanted to make a statement that I probably won't fit into the idea of who you think I am and I want to make that clear, but I'm also up for just leaning into this new feeling and taking a leap of faith if you are?”

    She added, “I think our generation has this tendency to think that because they are grown and therapised, it means we can micro-manage all our relationships and behaviours and I'm far too impulsive for that. I'm much more about throwing myself in the deep-end and seeing where it takes me.”

  • Photo by Chloe Karnezis
    Background photo by Amy Lauffer Neff
  • source : Apple Music
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