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  • Jamie Miller Releases New EP “The Things I Left Unsaid”

  • Los Angeles-based Welsh singer-songwriter Jamie Miller released his sophomore EP “The Things I Left Unsaid” on October 4, 2023.

    The EP comprises 6-track, produced by Adam Yaron, Alex Borel, Colin Foote and Jackson Foote.
    The EP is the culmination of a profound journey through emotions, pain, and invaluable lessons acquired over the course of the past year.
    Jamie Miller said of the EP, “This is an introduction to the real me. I’m not just a major label pop star. I’m letting people into my life, being vulnerable, and getting into my truth. Some of the songs are uncomfortable for me. I’d ask, ‘Am I being too open here?’ That’s how I knew I needed to keep going. I want everyone to hear the art and the struggle. It’s not picture perfect, but it is honest.”
  • Also, he shared on social media, “Sooo my EP “The things I left unsaid” is finally out.. Yunno starting this project was scary, nerve-racking, Healing and everything else that came with it. Last year was probably the most difficult year of my life.. I allowed bad behavior, people to walk all over me and I allowed other people to tell me what to say.. writing this I was able to cut ties, let go of my past and move forward in a way that I’m proud of. This project will make you cry, Smile, Twerk, Cry again and scream and I hope it heals you and gives you closure you need also.”

  • Jamie Miller explained about some tracks for the EP.

    “No Matter What”
    “I remember going to the studio so excited to write the concept 'No Matter What' now I was finally in a good place. I got to the studio and started reminiscing back on my life in 2022. I was severely depressed, lonely felt worthless and sadly got to a point where I didn't want to be here anymore because I felt like I was going to be like this forever and feeling like there was no way at.
    But having friends and family who consistently shaved up and taught and showed me that my life was too Special to give up (and therapy) was exactly what I needed. Sometimes in life you HAVE to hit rock bottom to realize all you need is exactly what you have in front of you, and that the dark days and heartbreak never last forever. you just have to Lave hard, Be a good person and Never give up, No Matter What.”

    “Empty Room”
    “July 3rd 2015. I was working in a call centre in my hometown when I received a personal call from my mum to head to Scotland because my nana took a turn for the worse. By the time I left work to pack my bag, I get a call saying my nana took her last breath. My life forever changed in that moment: the glue of my family, my biggest champion, and my best friend had passed away, and I never even had the chance to tell her I loved her one more time. I never got the chance to thank her for believing in me, for bringing me up in the best family you could imagine. She was just an incredible human, and to know her, you automatically became a better person. I became numb and never really had the chance to have closure.
    This year, I walked into the studio and she was just on my heart. 'Empty Room' is a song I put everything into... words I never got to say to her, alongside the things I wish I said when I had the time. But, even though she’s gone, I always have the memories! The last thing she told me was, 'I can do more for you up in Heaven than I can do down here - just look for a white feather and that will be me.' I find those feathers every day, Nana, and I miss and love you.
    I hope this song brings you closure, peace, and hope, knowing that, just because they’re gone, doesn’t mean they aren’t still with us!”

    “Maybe Next Time”
    “This song marks a new chapter in my life, one where I've learned to trust myself and the journey I'm on. The lyrics delve into the heartache we've all felt in one way or another - the longing for a love that's just out of reach. I hope to share with my fans the belief that there's always a chance for redemption and growth. Here's to hoping that next time is the time we all find what we're searching for.”
  • source : Apple Music
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