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  • Colony House Drops New Music Video for “One of Those Days”

  • Nashville-based rock band Colony House, consisting of Caleb Chapman (vocals), Will Chapman (drums), Scott Mills (guitar) and Parke Cottrell (bass), has dropped a new music video for “One of Those Days” directed by Sawyer Skipper.

    The song was released on November 11 as the third single from their upcoming fourth studio album “The Cannonballers”, following “Cannonballers” and “Landlocked Surf Rock”.
    The track was written by Caleb Chapman and produced by Chad Copelin.
    The new album “The Cannonballers” is set to be released on February 3, 2023. It is their first album in three years since the 2020 album “Leave What's Lost Behind”.
    The album title came from that amusement park muse - the Wabash Cannonball at Opryland USA - as well as the representation of duality that all people embody and experience.
  • The album comprises 11-track, produced by Chad Copelin.
    “The Cannonballers almost felt like another band name, an alter ego… on the one hand, a cannonballer could be a carefree kid, jumping through the air and finding their purpose in the size of splash they can create by jumping into a pool. They have all the time in the world. There is a beautiful naivety to that; it is simple and youthful,” Caleb Chapman said of the album. “On the other hand, a cannonballer could be a road rallyist who enjoys speeding on the open road. A driver with complete disregard for authority. Someone who is in a hurry and needs that adrenaline kick to keep going.”
    He continued, “I think we are a pendulum swinging in the balance between these two characters. On any given day, we could be one or the other.”
  • source : Apple Music
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