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  • AViVA Releases New Album “BROKEN HEARTS”: Streaming

  • Los Angeles-based Australian singer-songwriter AViVA released her third studio album “BROKEN HEARTS” along with the title track on November 25, 2022 via her own label, PSYCHO Records.

    Initially, the album was called “Volume III”, but finally, she revealed the album title as “BROKEN HEARTS” on November 2, 2022.
    The album is her first project in a year since the 2021 album “Volume II”.
    The album comprises 10-track, produced by Jean-Paul Fung, Matais Coulter and Teal Douville.
    The songs were written by AViVA, Jean-Paul Fung, Matais Coulter and Teal Douville.
    The album is connected to her books “SELF/LESS” and “RELENTLESS”, which were released on September 28, 2021 and August 9, 2022, respectively.
  • AViVA explained of some tracks for the album.

    “I think this song is such a strong song to start the year with because at it's core, it's a song about wanting to be better- To be the best version of yourself, and isn't that a noble cause to start the new year? I think we all get trapped in our own minds sometimes, comparing ourselves to others. This song is pulling all those elements together and screaming them out into the darkness. Once you say something, does that make it more, or less real?”

    “To me there's a difference between being 'lonely' and being 'alone'. My new song LONELY explores the feelings you get when that line gets crossed. Sometimes it's okay to feel lonely, even if you're around other people, just like it's okay to enjoy being alone sometimes too.”

    “Thank you to every single one of you who have ever put their time into making me one of my beloved fan arts!! I know some of you might not have had the opportunity to feature in this video-- there are just too many to fit in one video!! Rest assured I love them all, and keep sending them in because you never know what I might do next time!”

    “I try to write songs that leave the listener feeling empowered. Whether that is standing up against adversity, negative self-talk or whatever your personal 'nightmares' are. I think that is what makes a song powerful, if it can leave the listener feeling stronger than they did before they listened.”

    “I feel like the darkness is oblivion and that sort of circular concept is really exciting to me. I find sometimes when you feel a certain way and it's out of the blue or you are anticipating something or surprised by something, that pool the pool to that sort of unexpectedness is really scary and that's what Oblivion means to me.”

    “'LOVE AND WAR' is about a friendship breakup that I experienced seven years ago. It is one of the most important songs to me and it's the reason I chose to have it be the theme song for SELF/LESS and the SELF/LESS world. I still miss the friend that I lost due to a misunderstanding, loss of trust, and a miscommunication, really. At the end of the day, it was nothing that couldn't have been sorted, but it wasn't, and I still miss her. And I think that we've all experienced that in our lives in some way and Teddy, the main character in SELF/LESS, also experiences this as she learns about the world that she lives in, makes new friendships, and explores what it is to be a human being, and friendships are a massive part of our human experience because we are social creatures and despite ourselves, we still crave connection with people that understand us and love us and care about us losing that can be really painful.”
  • source : Apple Music
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