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  • Kitt Releases New Album “State of Mind”: Streaming

  • Vancouver-based R&B singer-songwriter Kitt (formerly known as Katherine Penfold) has released her sophomore album “State of Mind”.

    The album is her first LP as Kitt and follows up the 2019 debut album “Sweetest Thing” under Katherine Penfold name.
    The album comprises 12-track, including 6-track from the previous EP “Within You” and 6 new songs. Produced by Katherine Penfold.
    “With State of Mind, I wanted to present myself as an artist in the purest form,” Katherine Penfold said of the album. “It's a collection of minimal songs which focus on lyrics and the bare essentials of what I was writing during the pandemic.”
    She continued, “I produced this album in my little one-bedroom apartment in Vancouver, BC, making lyrical and production choices centered around self-contemplation, awareness, and vulnerability.”
    She said of her stage name Kitt, “As much as I appreciate my given name, walking on-stage to sing my originals – the authentic sound I want to bring to listeners – it never felt like a match through the massive life shifts and realizations of the last two years, I felt ready to present Kitt to everyone. I never imagined how good it would feel.”
  • She explained of title track “State of Mind” and “I'll Be Alright”.

    “State of Mind”
    “The title track is a song about my journey through depression. Even when I was young, I was very aware of my inner feelings and how different I was to the people around me. I stuck to myself and was always striving to figure out why I didn't 'work' the way other people did. Last year I was hearing a lot about working with one's inner child, and it almost felt like mine wrote this tune. There's a large sense of hope in “State of Mind” and a healing that comes with the recognition of one's emotions. It felt freeing to be able to write these lyrics and express out loud what's been stuck inside me for so long. We have so much shit distracting us from being even the tiniest bit present for ourselves, let alone the people or jobs needing us...and that leads to so much destruction.”

    “I'll Be Alright”
    “When I started writing the album, I was heavily impacted by the world closing in. I was months into feeling like I was drowning, going through a divorce, the pandemic, my anxiety and depression running rampant – turning me into a bonafide workaholic so I wouldn't feel too much. I could see my loved ones not knowing what to do with me anymore. One night, after a deep convo with a friend, the track 'I'll Be Alright' came spilling out of me. There wasn't a fix that anyone could give me; all I needed to hear was that I was going to be alright. Even if it was me telling myself that, that was the opening I needed to write this album.”
  • source : Apple Music
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