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  • HitPlay Productions Releases First Trailer for “Last of the Right Whales”

  • HitPlay Productions has dropped a first trailer for a documentary film “Last of the Right Whales”.

    The documentary is based on group of people that is a wildlife photographer, a marine biologist, a whale rescuer, and a crab fisherman who united in their cause to save the North Atlantic right whale.
    The film is about the endangered species of whale known as the North Atlantic right whales - which are dying faster than they can reproduce.
    With less than 400 remaining, these great whales rarely die of natural causes. Instead they are run over by ships or suffer lethal injuries from fishing gear. If we don't stop killing them, in 20 years they could be extinct.
    The film shot the North Atlantic right whale from their breeding ground off the coast of Florida to their new feeding area in the Gulf of St. Lawrence.
    The film was directed by Nadine Pequeneza who used the 4K cinematography.
    This feature documentary brings a message of hope about the most at-risk, great whale on the planet.
    The film is set to open first later this year, and will air on CBC in Canada sometime in 2022.
  • The International Union for the Conservation of Nature classified North Atlantic right whales as critically endangered in July 2020.
    North Atlantic right whales typically forage for crustaceans in the Gulf of Maine, as its main food supply inhabits cold waters. However, the water in the Gulf of Maine has been recorded as warming faster than 99 percent of oceans worldwide over the last decade, depleting the whales' food source.
    The lack of food has forced the whales to migrate to Canada's Gulf of St. Lawrence, but it's a perilous journey for the whales.
    When traveling to forage the whales are at risk of being struck by vessels or caught in fishing nets.
    Also, the lack of a food source has also affected the North Atlantic right whale's reproduction, causing a decline.
    While 2009 saw 39 calves born, none had been born in the first part of 2018.
    The population has declined by 26 percent over the last decade, with only 356 North Atlantic right whales left on Earth.
  • source : Last of the Right Whales Official Website
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