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  • World Surf League: Men's Championship Hurley Pro Round 4, 5 and Quarterfinals at Lower Trestles

  • WSL Men's Championship, Hurley Pro Round 4, 5 and Quarterfinals ran at Lower Trestles in San Clemente in four-to-five foot waves on September 14.

    Yesterday, Mick Fanning (AUS) and Kanoa Igarashi (USA) competed in Heart 9, but their Heat 9 was applied with the new rules interpretation and disabled with no scores.
    Both competitors re-surfed before Round 4 today, finally Kanoa Igarashi defeated Mick Fanning and advanced to Round 4.
    However, Kanoa Igarashi had to fight again in elimination Round 5 along with John John Florence (HAW), Jordy Smith (ZAF), Jadson Andre (BRA), Sebastian Zietz (HAW) and Julian Wilson (AUS).
    Finally, Adrian Buchan, Jordy Smith, John John Florence and Kanoa Igarashi advanced to Quarterfinals. Especially John John Florence and Kanoa Igarashi earned high scores with aerial and won.
    In Quarterfinals, Adrian Buchan (AUS) and defending Champion Jordy Smith (ZAF) advanced to Semifinals.

    John John Florence said;
    “This wave is just so perfect and once you get a couple you can get into a rhythm and let loose a little bit. I just got a little lucky with those three waves coming to me at the end. There’s definitely some nerves just with only five or six minutes left with me and Bede [Durbidge] so close in scores. I got that wave behind Bede’s and then just got into rhythm with priority right after that and another wave came, which let me open up a little bit more. Bede was surfing so good and that’s a part of the reason I was so nervous. He just has so much power -- he’s a really fun and inspiring surfer to watch out here.”

    Jordy Smith said;
    “I’m just taking every opportunity because I’ve never been in this position before at No.1 so just run with the thing and have fun with it. There are not too many people that get this opportunity to be here and it’s really something. I was hearing Tyler [Wright] saying earlier she represents her family and her country in this yellow jersey and that resonated with me. We haven’t had a World Champion in South Africa in probably 40 years, so it means a lot and I want to wear it proud. Adrian [Buchan] is another competitor you don’t want to take lightly. He’s smart and he knows how to pick the eyes out of the lineup and he’s really going to make you work.”

    Hurley Pro Remaining Round 3 (H9) Result:
    Heat 9: Kanoa Igarashi (USA) 13.26 def. Mick Fanning (AUS) 6.73

    Hurley Pro Round 4 (H3-4) Results:
    Heat 3: Jeremy Flores (FRA) 15.94, John John Florence (HAW) 15.23, Kanoa Igarashi (USA) 11.33
    Heat 4: Filipe Toledo (BRA) 16.13, Julian Wilson (AUS) 14.00, Bede Durbidge (AUS) 13.16

    Hurley Pro Round 5 Results:
    Heat 1: Adrian Buchan (AUS) 16.27 def. Jadson Andre (BRA) 14.84
    Heat 2: Jordy Smith (ZAF) 13.43 def. Sebastian Zietz (HAW) 6.84
    Heat 3: John John Florence (HAW) 18.40 def. Bede Durbidge 14.54
    Heat 4: Kanoa Igarashi (USA) 17.00 def. Julian Wilson (AUS) 15.90

    Hurley Pro Quarterfinals Results:
    QF 1: Adrian Buchan (AUS) 15.57 def. Adriano de Souza (BRA) 15.30
    QF 2: Jordy Smith (ZAF) 17.76 def. Frederico Morais (PRT) 16.60

    All photos copyright by World Surf League.
  • source : World Surf League
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